697 results

Graphs and tables quantifying the distribution of livestock and seedlings to the outer islands through the Livestock Project and Horticulture Project by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce and the Taiwan Technical Mission.

The entire list of 563 plants is provided in this report to give the people a means of gaining a better understanding of the nature of the plants of Majuro Atoll. It includes a listing of all species, notation as to origin (i.e. indigenous, aboriginal introduction, recent introduction), as well as the original range of each.

this report is an overview on the radioactive fallout (ie : terrestrial contamination) on Bikini atoll form nuclear testing

Energy Planning Division Republic of the Marshall Islands National Energy Policy 2014


Data collected through Chamber of Commerce surveys in the outer islands

 Marshall Islands National Disaster Management Office (NDMO)
 National Energy Office

Purpose of this project is to strengthen and assist the National Training Council (NTC) in its effort to implement its capacity building objectives through equipping the people of the outer islands with the skills to fully operate and maintain a solar system unit.


A workshop is being conducted in Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands with an overall focus on enhancing climate information and knowledge service for resilience. The gathering, organised through a close collaborative partnership between the RMI Weather Service Office – UNEPCISPac5 national project coordination unit, Climate Change Directorate and SPREP, is uniting a diverse group of national stakeholders.

 RMI Chamber of Commerce

To demonstrate the efficient use of the Kobo Toolbox to conduct a field survey.

Graphs to illustrate the information extracted during the Waste Collection Survey.

 Ministry of Health and Human Services

A number of key health issues – food and water safety and security, respiratory and vector-borne diseases, mental health, and extreme weather-related impacts – were identified as priorities. In addition, barriers to implementation of the plan, such as insufficient funding and human resources, apathy and stigma, were highlighted. Stakeholders suggested responsible RMI agencies, strategies to manage these risks and timeframes.

 Climate Change Directorate

It is a tool compromising of transparent procedures and processes to assist and guide decision makers in resolving public complaints/concerns pertaining to intervention/activities implemented under the GCF-UNEP Programme, Enhancing Climate Information and Knowledge Services for resilience in 5 Pacific countries (UNEP CIS-Pac5).


It is a tool compromising of transparent procedures and processes to assist and guide decision makers in resolving public complaints/concerns pertaining to intervention/activities implemented under the GCF-UNEP Programme, Enhancing Climate Information and Knowledge Services for resilience in 5 Pacific countries (UNEP CIS-Pac5).
