48 results

CSV file containing the global distribution of hydrothermal vent fields in WGS84 coordinate system.

CSV file containing species richness values and mapping parameters for marine species (with a probability of occurrence > 0.5) derived from AquaMaps. A total of 33,512 species were used in the generation of this file.
Coordinate system is WGS84 (ESPG 4326) with coordinates expressed in longitude and latitude.

Fields in this file are:
C-Square Code: unique identifier for grid
Longitude: longitude in decimal degrees
Latitude: latitude in decimal degrees
Species Count: number of species modeled at given point

List of species and their conservation status for 1,746 species reviewed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.   Data were derived from https://www.iucnredlist.org/.

Table of Red List Index for Marhsall Islands from 2015-2020.  The Red List Index (RLI) shows trends in overall extinction risk for species, and is used by governments to track their progress towards targets for reducing biodiversity loss.


Marshallese-English dictionary at Marshallese.org

The Marshallese-English Online Dictionary (MOD) is a revised and expanded electronic edition of the Marshallese-English Dictionary (MED below), developed in 2009.

Naan Marshallese-English Dictionary last updated in 2013 and contains a user manual on the website.