26 results

Metadata file for the GIS data (raster and shapefiles) for the global threats to coral reefs: acidification, future thermal stress, integrated future threats, and past thermal stress.

Metadata file for the GIS data (raster and shapefiles) for the local threats to coral reefs: coastal development, integrated local, marine pollution, overfishing, and watershed pollution.

The monthly average tide levels (meters) for Kwajalein from 1947-2020.  There are 8 tide water mark levels represented: HIGHEST (high tide), MHHW (mean higher high water), MHW (mean high water), MTL (mean tide level), MSL (mean surface level), MLW( mean low water), MLLW (mean lower low water), LOWEST (low tide).

The annual average tide levels (meters) for Kwajalein based on average monthly tide levels from 1947-2020.  There are 5 tide water mark levels represented: MHHW (mean higher high water), MLLW (mean lower low water), HIGH (high tide), LOW (low tide), and MTL (mean tide level).


Exercise conducted by participants of the UNEP CISPAC5 workshop