183 results

Summary table for the SPREP core national environment indicators. Includes theme and indicator definition, purpose and desired outcome.

This excel file include four spreadsheets each representing a separate theme (EMG = Environmental Monitoring and Governance, IOE = Island and Ocean Ecosystems, CCR = Climate Change Resilience, WMPC = waste). Within each theme are the core national environment indicators (scrolling from left to right).

Pacific Vision is for a region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion, and prosperity, so that all Pacific people can lead free, healthy, and productive lives.

Urban population as a percentage of total population for the Marshall Islands from 1960-2020 derived from the World Bank DataBank - https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.URB.TOTL.IN.ZS?locations=MH

Liner Shipping Connectivity of the Marshall Islands and other countries from 2004-2019 derived from the World Bank DataBank - https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IS.SHP.GCNW.XQ?locations=MH

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita using constant 2020 $USD for Marshall Islands from 1960-2020 derived from the World Bank DataBank - https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?locations=MH

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita using constant 2015 $USD for Marshall Islands from 1960-2020 derived from the World Bank DataBank - https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.KD?locations=MH

Proposed Project Objective: Enhanced use of data for decision making in the environment sector throughout the Pacific region. Building on the tools and momentum the Inform project established, this scaled up project will expand the user base and fill significant gaps including in situ monitoring, increased partnerships between the environment ministries and other ministries, increase use of spatial tools, and the establishment of standardise environmental standards and key indicators for key resources.

The information and data gathered from these waste audits will be used by countries in the Pacific to support the development and monitoring of waste and resource recovery projects and recommend the infrastructure and policy interventions required. The regional dataset will also be used to identify and evaluate potential regional projects that would improve waste management in the region.

How do we Marshallese envisage our future? What kind of society do we want to become? How can we maintain and enhance a united and inclusive Marshallese identity? What are the transformations needed to improve our social and economic situation? How can we ensure sustainable development in the face of the growing concerns for the survival of the country from the existential threat of climate change and sea level rise, in addition to the unresolved nuclear legacy we continue to endure?

These are some of the main issues The National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2020–2030 addresses.