9 results

The direct link to the RMI data on the Micronesia Challenge website.

Bird data recorded on the BirdLife International Portal

Link to the Global Biodiversity datasets for Marshall Islands, hosted on GBIF.

The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to
allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Database while
maintaining this same freedom for others. Many databases are covered by
copyright, and therefore this document licenses these rights. Some
jurisdictions, mainly in the European Union, have specific rights that
cover databases, and so the ODbL addresses these rights, too. Finally,
the ODbL is also an agreement in contract for users of this Database to
act in certain ways in return for accessing this Database.

Marshallese-English dictionary at Marshallese.org

The Marshallese-English Online Dictionary (MOD) is a revised and expanded electronic edition of the Marshallese-English Dictionary (MED below), developed in 2009.

Naan Marshallese-English Dictionary last updated in 2013 and contains a user manual on the website.